Your child must stay home if he/she:

  1. Is developing a cold or has had a cold less than three (3) days old.
  2. Has a sore throat or an earache.
  3. Has swollen neck glands.
  4. Has a “fresh” runny nose or cough.
  5. Has a fever or has had a fever in the past 24 hours
  6. Has an unusual rash or sore.
  7. Acts sleepy or complains of a headache.
  8. Has a flushed face
  9. Appears ill to you.
  10. Has or has had vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours.

The School Staff has been asked to:

  1. Take every precaution to protect your child from illness.
  2. Be alert to pick up signs of illness in your child.
  3. Contact you if your child becomes ill, shows marked changes in behavior, or has an accident while in the center.
  4. If possible, isolate your child if he/she becomes ill until you arrive to take him home.
  5. Not to give any prescribed or patent medication to your child unless a written directive comes from the physician to the center. The label on the medicine bottle or a note from the parent is not enough. (This includes aspirin and cough medicine).
  • Please keep your child at home when he/she is suspected to have a cold, cough, or any communicable disease. A child who is sent home sick, must bring a doctor’s slip for re-admission. Please do not bring your child sick to the center.  The parent of a sick child in the center will be called to pick up the child within an hour at the latest and can return after 24 hours with a doctor’s note. Please note that the latest time a child can return to school from a doctors’ appointment is 11am.

Administration of Medication: Parents must fill a medication form with a child on medication. Only prescription medication will be administered by medication certified personnel. Please ensure you give your child the first dose of the medication at home where applicable. Medication must be properly labeled with child’s name, doctor’s name, medication schedule and dosage.

Please click below to download the form